#SthandwaSakaSeries ♥ Meet The Blogger Power Couple

Couple name: We are Kalpesh and Neeta, also known as the blogger power couple

When and how did you meet? We met in many years ago through a cousin, chatted for a while before we went on our first date, we went on a few more dates until we realized we both had qualities we have been searching for in a relationship. Meeting in our 30ties this was great as we where mature and knew what we wanted in a serious relationship.

Describe your relationship? Kalpesh proposed after less than 6 months of dating, this was a huge surprise as I had no idea. The best decision we made to get married, we are best friends, lovers, very passionate about food, people, living life to the fullest.

Best and worst moments together, and how you celebrated/overcame those? Our best moment was our wedding day, the sacred day we said our vows to one another. The quality time we spend together is a continuation of the best moments.

Our worst moments where differences with family members as they felt the need to be in control of us, we took a decision to not allow family to control our every move, this made us stronger.

Your golden key advice to share that other couples to take in? The love and respect we have for one another, when we need advice we council one another. If one is feeling ill the other will step in and provide the much required TLC.

What’s the one thing you are obsessed with about your partner? Always apologize and move on from a disagreement, respect one another, respect the choices made. Never go to bed angry, take a time out and discuss what is bothering you, communicate often as this is essential for a healthy marriage and relationship.

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